Services & Rates

Peaceful Crown, Neck & Shoulders

45 minutes: $35

This is a massage for the scalp, face, neck and shoulders.  Further feelings of relaxation and tranquility are enhanced with the use of warmed, light herbal oils.  

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Focused Pain Relief Massage

30 minutes: $35

 This Massage targets specific areas for relief from pain and tension.    Because this massage is limited to 30 minutes, the focus is usually on upper or lower body, depending on the source of the pain.  This Massage is suggested for people who are short on time but need pain relief, young children or people who are more comfortable with shorter durations on the massage table. 

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Fresh Face Cleansing Facial

45 minutes: $50

This is a deep cleansing facial that uses: Cleanser, Exfoliating cream, Masque, Hot towels or Steam, Toner and Moisturizer application with Facial massage.  This Facial does not use Extractions.

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One Hour Therapeutic Massage

60 minutes: $70.00
90 minutes: $100

Hot Stone Therapy is a style of massage where heated stones are placed at specific sites on your body and also incorporated into the massage strokes to deepen relaxation and promote circulation in your muscles. Muscles that are heated with these stones release tension and stress much more deeply and quickly than with a traditional massage. The overall experience is very relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.

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